
second saturday

I am very glad today is Saturday. I thought yesterday was, because I wasn't in the office. But I'm glad it wasn't, because I wasn't in the office because of an all day interlibrary loan conference in the middle of the state. What a shitty way to spend a Saturday. If it had been a Saturday.
I let my mind wander a lot during the sessions, and had a throwback to high school as I almost entirely filled in our schedule paper with tiny, scribbly doodles. I am just so very incapable of not doing things with my hands. That includes talking. But mostly it's the other stuff. I looked for holes in the conference attendants list and circled all the gaps. No last names that start with E I Q X Z. We're even worse with the first names. I feel like every letter should be represented, in a group like this. I am not much help, though, with my A and B. (It was either counting letters or a boredom stupor during a 100% patronizing presentation, the kind where it was explained how to click on a link in a website, and how to fill out a form.)
I will say this for the conference, though--it always lights a bit of a fire in me (just a bit, I'm still pretty tame, career-wise) about libraries, librarians, and especially ILL. It's just such a good thing, right? And the people that do it? I mean, can you top them? No you cannot. I sat at a table with a funny lady with a she-mullet who took notes on her ipad. I love that. We are very karmic people. There is give and take, and above all, balance. No wonder it suits me.

I was glad to be home afterward, although you wouldn't know it by the way I grumped along all evening. Survivor's grump. 

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