
glad about

My kid is my favorite baby and he hasn't made me cry lately, at all.

I've had tears, sure, but they've been from laughing, or wind symphonies, or from the teeth cleaning last week with the buzzing at the roof of my mouth, or from listening to the finale of the Hamilton soundtrack, very loud, in the library's delivery van.

I'm glad about things, like new relationships, warm Decembers (shh, I'm denying things), baby butt wiggle proto-crawling, brownies, Amazon Prime.

And my truth-seeking, thoughtful, responsible, affectionate, bread-winning husband. I'm glad about him all the time.


traveling heart

Here is what makes me sad today: the kind, warm, sparkly-eyed pastor who performed our wedding ceremony four years ago has just had his ordination stripped for recently marrying a same-sex couple. I am hanging by a thread--a THREAD--here, people, and the more things like this keep happening to the people in the church who actually speak a language I'd be able (to want) to echo, the more likely my mask to become more of a mask, and my heart to keep journeying off on its own.