

I am very... there are a lot of words that could fill in that blank. Spinny, healthy, unafraid, proud, tired, completely and utterly happy. I speed-walked three miles this evening against the threat of a rainstorm (#2 of the day... #1 I caught front row seats to in my car driving home from the mechanic) and I beat the rainclouds by mere minutes and weathered out the storm in a dry auditorium listening to songs from Glee being sung by a range from very good to very enthusiastic singers raising money for autism awareness. I think I started this same smile that's still on my face right then, when they all burst into song in unison on Sweet Caroline. I haven't cracked since. Or, you crack a smile, I guess, so maybe it's I haven't stopped cracking since. Through the whole performance I was charmed, with my S up there as part of the live accompaniment, and then back at his place to toast to his patience and my pleasure and since then it's been 'you are a treat' and I've been making plans to spend tomorrow afternoon at the community pool with my best friend and some sunscreen which I hope I'll need. AND, I haven't mentioned this yet, but I think this is part of why today was so good: I made an excellent tuna melt sandwich today for lunch. And then had some cherries. I mean, FOR REAL, this life is a nice one. I am so happy, too, to have the thought in my mind that next weekend is going to be even better.

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