

It might be good to not be such a consummate whiner or to not say anything at all for weeks until something goes wrong. But yesterday I was passed over for a promotion I wanted and deserved, and this morning was locked out of my workstation for the first half hour because of a not-my-fault password snafu, and my eyelids are swollen because I had a Thing last night wherein I got very, very upset and snotty over disrespect, penury, and the debilitating disease routing my father in law, and I just kind of want to get that OUT.

I would much, much rather be curled up on the couch at home in front of the Christmas tree maybe with some spicy tea, and the curtains shut.

In spite of this and because I am who I am, I'll dig around for some things to add weight to the other end of the scale. Like this video. And the free coke up in the staff lounge. And the picture my husband texted me of his belly. And only six days after this one of work until the university closes til January. And the cluster of people who had been and still are rooting for me. Oh, and my health. It's getting much better, thanks. The ratio of clear headed steady footed days to days I feel like my skull is lining itself with jalapenos and the world is spinning is shifting closer to 'fair'. Whatever. Husband's belly and I will make it work.

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