
You just don't forget

Today is the day I didn't pay my bills, and the day I bought three 75¢ paperbacks at the thrift store but just set them aside in favor of chicken wings and wine and the number two guilty pleasure in my life (number one being marshmallow fluff)--So You Think You Can Dance.
Yesterday, as we were heading down out of Canada, on the wrong highway--sad, but true--we stopped for one last visit to Tim Horton's, because I had the thought a few days earlier that I will crave a Tim Horton's iced hazelnut cappuccino for the rest of my life. We were down to our last Canadian pennies--sad, but true. Actually, we were out of our last pennies. About to tell the cashier to cancel the order. But a man in line behind stepped in and said 'oh no. Don't do that. How much do you need?' Do you know how much a difference 70¢ can make? It made the difference between one last iced cappuccino and one smaller last iced cappuccino. I'm glad we were on the wrong highway for those few kilometers, because at a different exit, would someone have spotted us the gap in change? This little bit was like the shadow of the overarching Big Generosity that let this trip go through as planned. I'm not just talking about the generosity of the uncle who had a cabin with open doors and my best friend paying for the gas and almost all of the food because, well, let's not worry about my finances tonight, maybe later. What I mean by Big Generosity is that the car died halfway there, and a family friend let us take--TAKE--her car for five days and 800 miles while Sarah's was in the garage. I want to be that person who PAYS THE 70¢ and I want to be that person who HANDS OVER THE KEYS. That's what I learned.

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