

It's spring, which means sunshine and breezes and yadda yadda. Also, means I go through a month of losing a bit of my identity because I suddenly am hearing my name everywhere. Usually not a big problem. My filter is more than adequate. I can almost always tell instinctively the difference between the name April and the word April. But every once in a while, I hear the word, and it sounds like the name. This year I've found an unpatchable hole in my name-defense-system. At first I thought it was a fluke, but it has happened time and time again--the announcer for The Daily Show freaks me the eff out. The way he starts the show by announcing the date... 'April 23rd, 2009...' Even when I'm prepared, even when I'm braced for it, I flinch. He's talking to me. After a week or so of repeat performances I figured out it's because there's something in his inflection that sounds like my mom. He tosses the word out there in the same way my mom tosses my name. It kills me.

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