

I say this a lot and I mean this a lot: I am very loved. My husband is a jackpot. He is brave and assertive and honest and kind and sexy and above all willing to choose to love me and choose to work at our marriage everyday. He is the type of man to give me a sweet card just because it's a Wednesday, or to cook a romantic dinner just because he feels like it. Valentine's Day is NOT the pinnacle of loveyness in our home. It was off the charts yesterday, with mixed veggies and kielbasa and chocolate souffles and pink roses and whiskey and Sherlock on Netflix (OMG), but the thing is we are off the charts pretty often. When we get to spend an evening together, it's always a clinging, joyful thing and there's so much meat to our relationship (heh). I am incredibly lucky to be married to someone who is so full of depth and heart and who sees and magnifies my own depth and heart. We're really, really well suited to each other. I'm bragging. I can't help it. Have you met him?!

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