
getting used to things

Today, it's a year of the virus that has been the biggest bitch, ever. A year! I haven't said much (or said much at all) about it lately because... uh. We're all just tired. I do kind of think I'm getting my feet under me again, because I always think that. But I've also been keeping track of the days that suck so much they make me cry, and there have been only four so far this month. There were seven in September. And believe it or not, two whole days this month during which I felt perfectly normal from morning til night (!!). So, it's better. I still can't do anything. I'm still spending most of my free time on the couch. Not strong or steady enough to walk or bike to work. I'm getting quite puffy because of it. But I am pretty confident in my ability to tough out the normal stuff. My days are no longer a constant battle to make it to the next hour. And I haven't let not feeling well keep me away from doing the kinds of social things healthy April loves. So. Screw it. I do feel better when I think I feel better. I keep trying that.

I'm really happy with a few things about myself, including my eyelashes and my feet.

And a patron just dropped off a 3 lb box of assorted cookies for me as a thank you.

I am reminding myself that I am flexible and adaptable, despite the fact that I resist change with a growling, toe dragging fervor. Who I am is changing. Work is changing. My plans are changing. And I'm just trying to focus on the fact that I get used to things. It's my superpower. I get used to things.

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