Well, I have been informed that my blood is (still) normal, on all tested counts. Well, I'm still not feeling normal, on all unmeasurable counts. I am still fatigued and aching and loopy and prone to flights of unnecessary and overheated panic. My doctor has given me the dishearteningly non diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It's where they acknowledge that you are tired and feeling shitty and they don't know why, but don't think it'll kill you. They pat you on the head, tell you to get rest and eat well, and then they send you on your way. BOOM, NON-DIAGNOSED.
I am skeptical of this diagnosis, because it's not one, and because there's not like a definitive symptom list I can compare myself to, because, it's not a thing, so everyone who 'has' it is different. It's just NOT other things. Ehhn. I guess some people with fatigue disorders do well on antidepressants--it can help with the anxiety thing and also a little with the muscle weakness/fatigue itself. I guess I should try that. I might one day explode in a firework show of pharmaceuticals and pent-up flight reflex.
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