I'm working rather hard at living these days. I hope it pays off in the end. I wonder if I have a caribbean fungus.
I'm up early on a Saturday to make S breakfast (see), because this week he worked three 14 hour+ shifts, and then we have a day trip to Richmond (see). The other day I went to an orchestra rehearsal and my upper register sounded fierce. I have not burst into tears, well, except for when I accidentally slammed the car door into my shoulder, in at least a week. I am pretty sure this does not mean I'm getting physically better, but oh ho, I am getting psychologically better. Someone needs to wave a wand over me and combine the two. As I sit here at the early morning kitchen table, blinking vainly against the liftoff of my head. Woops, there it goes.
I'm up early on a Saturday to make S breakfast (see), because this week he worked three 14 hour+ shifts, and then we have a day trip to Richmond (see). The other day I went to an orchestra rehearsal and my upper register sounded fierce. I have not burst into tears, well, except for when I accidentally slammed the car door into my shoulder, in at least a week. I am pretty sure this does not mean I'm getting physically better, but oh ho, I am getting psychologically better. Someone needs to wave a wand over me and combine the two. As I sit here at the early morning kitchen table, blinking vainly against the liftoff of my head. Woops, there it goes.
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