Today I parted my hair a little to the right of center, wondering why I always go to the left. Oh yes, it's because of that streak of silver right there, growing out of an old scar and getting a head start (ha) on the rest of my scalp.
I beat a train across town on my bike this morning. We rode parallel for three miles. I did a bit of flying.
This was the weekend of wedding registries. I kept staying up til 1:00 looking up product reviews. Boom, Kohl's. Boom. With money being what it is (where is it??) I do hope this registry thing will actually work for us. I would like it if you buy me soft towels.
On Friday evening my family had a bonfire and an almost-three year old kept wriggling all over me in the grass and making me laugh. The part before he's mine and it's still cute and endearing to hear the 'hey April, hey April, hey April!' is a savory one.
Also this weekend while I was at the grocery store the produce stocker stopped me and asked to take a picture of my shirt, because he thought it was hilarious. It is hilarious. And I don't know, I'd never had a stranger want to take my picture before and something about it made my back straighter.
It is a GRAY day today. I wouldn't mind that if it weren't for the fact that S's band is playing at a waterpark this evening and I scored a free ticket to come along. I guess you can never quite always line up the brilliantly hot days with the rare times they'd be appropriate. I'll try not to complain. They'll play rain or whine. I mean, rain or shine.
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