
snow day

I'm home from work early today--the heavy falling snow and slick ice (I can attest) finally caused the university to bow to the inevitable and close early. I have never been a fan of winter, other than a detached recognition of the beauty in its starkness, and this one is just as inconvenient as they all have been. But, OH, I had a ride home through the mess. Thank god I had a ride home. And although an afternoon of snow ruins plans, I am feeling lucky to be safe, and warm, and to have a chicken sandwich on my plate. Due to my track record you might think that's a metaphor but it's not. The sandwich is real, and so is the orange juice, and so are the cupcakes on the kitchen counter. I think I'll like winter a whole lot better when being snowed in at home means being snowed in with my lover. So next year, essentially. I'll try to wait.

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