
today's trilogy of greatness

I obviously have things to work out, like where to stick a third person and how to park without starting a war and how to get into my bed without losing my footing, but I'd have to say, on the balance, this apartment is a boon. It's a gift. Like the internet connection we can share with our across and down below neighbor, because we're cousins. True story. And the way my new bed is so large and so high above the ground that I can dangle my feet off the edge as much as I'd like.

It is gift number three in my today life. Number one would be a family to whom I will always look up, with parents who are warriors and siblings who are me, but better. And number two, which should actually probably be written in bold: I am so very loved by a man who's strong and sensitive, who makes me laugh and holds my hand, who finds the light in me when all I feel is heavy. Those, those right there, if you add them up--the lovely new home and the refuge of a family and the incredible burning assurance of being loved--that's why I'm sending thank yous out the open windows.

All that hoping on my behalf? It was not in vain.

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