
the problem with rain

The problem with a late afternoon full of rain is that it makes me feel like curling up in bed with a book. The problem with that is bed + book + purring kitten asleep on chest = nap. And this becomes a problem when I wake up from the nap with an inflated sense of energy. Which in turn causes me to decide to spend the evening out instead of in, which becomes a problem when an evening out involves being with my boyfriend and being with him makes me want to be even more with him, which becomes a problem when I realize it's already well after 11:00, damnit, and this is a big problem because after I've pulled myself away from him, by the time I'm back home I am WIDE AWAKE AGAIN and all I want to do is eat peanut butter straight from the jar (PROBLEM) or maybe watch tv for a while or pick up my leather-bound journal or a book or or or but it's past midnight and all these little problems have added up to one huuuge one, and that's the fact that I have to get up early tomorrow and I need my sleep, folks--I don't function well on less than seven hours a night--and too freaking late, kiddo.


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