
cheap bandaids

A body language expert could learn a lot from watching me as I sit at the dining room table with my roommates.

This is probably unrelated, but I have been destroying the cuticles around my thumbnails this week. I spent every long rest during Thursday's orchestra rehearsal biting at them, pulling them back until they bled.

I may be lazy. I may be instinctually apathetic. But YOU SHOULD SEE THE THINGS THAT DO INSPIRE ME.

I was thinking of this last night, thinking that my best friend Sarah gets bottled up in her head overanalyzing reality, and I do the same, but what I'm dissecting, it's not even real. I've made up problems and now I'm trying to figure out how to solve them. I'm having arguments in my head with someone I've never even spoken to. Well, that's not ok, but at least I'm staying occupied.

I'm done being bothered by things like
jackhammers and
ice and
sore knees.
I'm forging ahead anyway.

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